Automatically link related video to the short on youtube.
under review
Can we add the original (long) video link to ALL the clips automatically?
That would be the ideal... maybe add the link to the "brand template?"
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Add Related video to shorts
Ricky Brandon
After I upload my shorts made from long videos, I have to log into youtube and edit each video to link the long form video as a "Related VIdeo". I wish this automatically linked the long form video so it will also allow people to click to the long form video from the short.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Please Add the "Related Video" Option so when we upload our shorts to youtube we can add the related video
John Doe
Shorts can be added to a related long form video so you can drive traffic to your long form. You didn't add this feature so I still need to go inside my studio and add this, kinda takes away the function of not needing to upload it manually. Thanks.
Springs Gate
Same here please
John Doe
Yes.. I just asked for this also. Also to add to playlist(s)
Please! This is preventing me from using Opus scheduling at all. I will continue to download clips and upload them and schedule via YouTube so that I can include the related video link at the time it goes live.
Related to this:
Option to add the shorts to a playlist!
THIS will be awesome! Currently I need to go to my YT channel 1-2 times per day to edit the short in order to add the related video and playlist.
Product team
Merged in a post:
When clipping and autocompleting the description, it would be cool to drop the original clipped link in the description as it would allow folks to lead their shorts back to the long form video as the shorts are a great way to seed new views to our channels and be able to grow our audience by referring to the original clip.
Dave Massingham
Product team
Merged in a post:
Related Video
Wayne Melnechuk
You Tube now allows you to connect a related (longer) video to your shorts. I am wondering if you can add this feature to Opus Clips so it does it automatically. Thank you in advance.
Jim Whatley
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