Duplicate clip to make a second version for alternate platform
under review
Yes, I was surprised to find today that I couldn't duplicate a clip to edit it differently.
GhulamRasool Koondhar
Best website
Luisa Braghieri
I don't consider it a duplicity. Since the first one was not carried out
Skylar Wang
Merged in a post:
Duplicate a Video Onto the Dashboard for 2nd Video
Daniel Bisagni
Copy / Duplicate a Video Onto the Dashboard To Create 2nd Video and adjust edit
Skylar Wang
Merged in a post:
Duplicate project after
It would be great if we can duplicate existing projects and re-use the already edited subtitles and video to adjust and use it on different social media platforms.
Skylar Wang
Merged in a post:
Duplicate clips for multiple version edits
It would really help A/B testing, and while it's possible to do now—it would make coming back to each version easier.
Skylar Wang
Merged in a post:
Duplicating generated clips
Laura Smith
Could it be possible to duplicate a generated clip? I'd like to A/B test different versions of the same clip, but it seems that at present, I can only edit a single version of a clip given.
Skylar Wang
Merged in a post:
Duplicate Clips For Different Formats
Dan Wood
I have daily Reels to make for Insta/FB and I also need to create a 1:1 Square version for LinkedIn. Currently I seem to have to publish the Reel format videos, then go in and edit it to Square format and publish separately to LinkedIn. It would be so handy to be able to create 2 versions of the same video without the need to change it after each time.
Product team
Merged in a post:
Add a Button to duplicate video
Sometimes a video will contain two ideas that I want to separate into two shorter videos. It would be nice to be able to duplicate the video so that I can then edit into two shorter more punchy videos.
Product team
Merged in a post:
Duplicate Clip
Christian Combatives
If the AI finds a section that could be used for multiple shorts, allow the ability to duplicate the AI selection. Then I can download two separate video shorts from a single clip.
Example: If I have a long video that has a list of 10 tips, and the AI clips a section that contains 2 tips in the list. Let me duplicate the selection and edit it 2 different ways to focus on the 2 different tips.
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