Full Video Manual Clipping
Generation She
Love that there is AI to automatically cut up videos into clips, but it'd be great to have a space to manually cut videos into clips at your own preference while maintaining the auto-generated captions. I could do this in another video editing software, but I like how OpusClip generates captions and keeps the caption style consistent with my brand. That's already 70% of the work done for me.
Pam Morgan
Yes, please!
This would be amazing. Hopefully, it will come soon. Sometimes, I need a clip, but I want to clip it how I want.
Product team
Merged in a post:
ability to identify my own clips
Kristy w/ Wicked Tactical Marketing
I'd love to be able to see the full transcript of the video and select more of the text for each suggested clip or just select my own portions of the transcript for clips
Product team
Merged in a post:
Create a transcript page and ability to create clips from selected text.
Christophoros Christophi
This feature is available in similar platforms and is very handly for those that want to read the transcript of the podcast in one page and be able to select the text they want to create a clip manually.
Product team
Merged in a post:
Allow manual editing of whole video via script
Godfrey Bloom
When given the script, allow the whole video script to be shown and edited manually
Sk munna khan
Sk munna khan
Say hum 😚❤️
Raja Sabbu
tracisayhi Yeah!
I'd like to be able to manually change the title of clips
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