Product team
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Support for Arabic language
Any plans in the near term for supporting Arabic language?
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Support Arabic language
I recently subscribed to the paid version of Opus Pro, and I did not expect that Opus does not support the Arabic language yet.
All other AI editors such as Capcut, and Captions AI support the Arabic language.
Unfortunately, I had to switch to Capcut to continue my work there.
Please process adding the Arabic language as soon as possible!
Thank you.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Support another language
Mr_ Moho
Hello, I have watched many videos showcasing your website and I find it quite appealing. However, I noticed that Arabic language support is currently unavailable, which presents a challenge for me. I would be grateful if you would consider adding Arabic language support to your website. Thank you.
Yousuf AlTajer
YeYYes, please add Arabic language. We need
I recently subscribed to the paid version of Opus Pro, and I did not expect that Opus does not support the Arabic language yet.
All other AI editors such as Capcut, and Captions AI support the Arabic language.
Unfortunately, I had to switch to Capcut to continue my work there.
Please process adding the Arabic language as soon as possible!
Thank you.
إلياس القبلاني
Please add the Arabic language
Nama Maser
add Arabic language please
Product team
Merged in a post:
I wonder when OPUS will provide support to languages written right to left, particularly Arabic. Thanks.
alain rodriguez
Product team
Merged in a post:
Arabic language support
Faisal Mohammad
When is it possible for this website to support the Arabic language? I hope it will be soon.
Product team
Merged in a post:
Add Arabic language
Mohamed Sirelkhatem
Please add Arabic language asap
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